Anasuya suresh productions presentation lo director ravi babu banner flying frogs lo vachina movie hruday...anasuya movie distribution and satellite rights suresh productions vallave bro
Mohammad bro i think meeru chusina channel,local cable channel ayyi untundi.vaallu mana laage net lo download chesukoni vestaru bro. Producer original hd print ni satellite rights Konna channel ki maatrame istaru
Local cable channels vaallu producers deggara permissions em teeskokunda pirated prints ni unofficial ga telecast chestharu chenna rayudu bro said producer original rights ni okka channel ki maatrame sale chestharu
Venaktesh's Clever Deal For Guru September 20th, 2016, 12:00 PM IST Hero Venkatesh's Guru first look poster released couple of days ago to good response. Venkatesh stunned one and all with his complete makeover for the film. The actor built muscular physique looked rugged with grown beard and moustaches. We reliably learnt that, Venkatesh is charging zero remuneration. But he cleverly made an interesting deal with his producers. As per it, Venky will get the amount of satellite rights deal as his pay for Guru. Perhaps, this is the first time; a Telugu hero is keeping satellite rights with him. In fact, most of the senior and top stars of Tollywood are demanding area rights, whereas Venky who has good following among families has asked his makers to pay 'satellite rights' amount. Despite box office results, Venkatesh's films make decent business, when it comes to small screen. Therefore, he did make right deal. We need to see how much satellite business will Guru make! In the film, Venkatesh is playing boxing coach and Ritika Singh will be seen as his student. Guru is official remake of Hindi- Tamil hit film Saala Khadoos (Irudhi Suttru). Sudha Kongara is directing the film being made under Y Not Studios Banner by S Sasikanth. The makers have plans to release Guru for Christmas, 2016.
predda manushulu movie gemini nunchi maa network teeskundi 8 years back and now zee cinemalu teeskundi maa network nunchi...its a suresh productions banner movie,suresh productions banner movies 2008 varaku gemini deggara undevi,taravatha maa network teeskundi and now zee cinemalu teeskundi
This movie is biggest blockbuster of 2016 I thought they would telecast in 6pm slot it is really surprising to see such a movie telecast in 2pm slot
ReplyDeleteit will be good if they telecast it on 6 pm slot
DeleteSai Dharam Tej's "Supreme" on 25th sep @6pm on Zee telugu
ReplyDeletethanks for the nani...will update now
Deletehello deepaka
ReplyDeletepremam movie ztelugu kadhau
maatv thikodhai mariy
hello frns naa dhara proof odhai
mee mailid caypadhai naanu pic paputhanu msg pic frns
Deletena mail id
Deletedeepak anna meeku pic msg chaysthainu mailid ki
ReplyDeleteok naveen
DeleteHello naveen bro can u send to my mail
Venkatesh druva nakshtram ye channelo vastundi...
ReplyDeleteetv anukunta friend but not sure
Deletehello deepak Khaidi No. 150 movie rights a maa channel nee mail-id ki pic papanu chudu and premam kudhai
ReplyDeletenaakem mail raaledu naveen
DeleteHello naveen bro can u send to my mail
deepak mee fb id msg chaydhai
ReplyDeletenaaa fb id msg chay rply esthanu
ReplyDeletei have sent req to ur id naveen
DeleteBro repu anasuya movie in zee cinemalu.first non-suresh prod. To be telecasted/renewed By zee
ReplyDeleteAnasuya suresh productions presentation lo director ravi babu banner flying frogs lo vachina movie hruday...anasuya movie distribution and satellite rights suresh productions vallave bro
DeleteYeah OK bro I don't know thanq.I thought it was only under one production
Deletekundanapu bomma movie soon on maa tv
ReplyDeletekundanapu bomma movie soon on maa tv
ReplyDeleteAs raju said kundanapu bomma is serial sathvik
Deletekundanapu bomma movie kadhu bro new serial from is a dabing serial coming star plaus
ReplyDeleteu r right raju
Deletedeepak muddula koduku telecasted today on etv cinema... already chala movies vastunnai...vatilo idi okati..
ReplyDeleteavnu siva,chaala days infact years tharavta telecast chesinattu unnaru
Deletedish channel valla daggaruku new movies hd print velutunda bro
ReplyDeleteye channel ayina producer deggara rights konukunte aa movie print aa channel ki istharu bro...
Deletechiranjeevi upcoming movie khaidi no150 taken by maa tv
ReplyDeletethanks for the info mohammed
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteyemi ledu bhayya ma dish channel lo bichagaadu,a aa,supreme movies vesaru
ReplyDeleteMohammad bro i think meeru chusina channel,local cable channel ayyi untundi.vaallu mana laage net lo download chesukoni vestaru bro. Producer original hd print ni satellite rights Konna channel ki maatrame istaru
DeleteLocal cable channels vaallu producers deggara permissions em teeskokunda pirated prints ni unofficial ga telecast chestharu chenna rayudu bro said producer original rights ni okka channel ki maatrame sale chestharu
DeletePremam rights to Maa Tv
ReplyDeleteKhadhi No 150 mve rights to Maa Tv
ReplyDeleteZee Cinemaalu Today schedule
ReplyDelete06:30 Agni Putrudu
09:00 Prem Nagaraju
12:00 Ontari
03:00 Bangaru kodipetta
05:30 Alladistha
08:00 Tulsi
thanks for the info nani...
DeleteNani Chinna bro today 9.00 am ki Zee Cinemalu Channel lo Prema Nagaraju kaadu bro ANR's Prem Nagar
ReplyDeleteOh sorry wrong typing bro .
ReplyDeleteZee Cinemalu Tomorrow's Schedule
ReplyDeleteAtha..Nee Koduku Jagratha -6.30am
Mr.Nookayya - 9am
Super Police - 12 pm
Veduka - 3 pm
Baava - 5.30 pm
Kotha Bangaru Lokam - 8 pm
thanks for the info frnd
ReplyDeletePremam audio launch today live on tv5
Deleteà°Ÿ్à°°ైలర్ à°Ÿాà°•్: à°ేà°¤ాà°³ుà°¡ు à°¬ిà°š్à°šà°—ాà°¡ు à°…à°¦ిà°°ే!!à°Ÿ్à°°ైలర్ à°Ÿాà°•్: à°ేà°¤ాà°³ుà°¡ు à°¬ిà°š్à°šà°—ాà°¡ు à°…à°¦ిà°°ే!!
ReplyDeleteà°¬ిà°š్à°šà°—ాà°¡ు à°®ూà°µీà°¤ో à°•ోà°²ీà°µుà°¡్ à°²ో à°¹ిà°Ÿ్ à°•ొà°Ÿ్à°Ÿిà°¨ à°µిజయ్ à°†ంà°Ÿోà°¨ీ.. à°Ÿాà°²ీà°µుà°¡్ à°²ో à°¬్à°²ాà°•్ బస్à°Ÿà°°్ à°•ొà°Ÿ్à°Ÿేà°¶ాà°¡ు. ఇన్à°µెà°¸్à°Ÿ్ à°®ెంà°Ÿ్ పరంà°—ా à°šూà°¸్à°¤ే.. à°¤ెà°²ుà°—ుà°²ోà°•ి à°¡à°¬్à°¬ింà°—్ à°…à°¯ిà°¨ à°¸ిà°¨ిà°®ాà°²్à°²ో à°¬ిà°š్à°šà°—ాà°¡ి à°°ిà°•ాà°°్à°¡ుà°¨ు à°¬్à°°ేà°•్ à°šేయడం.. à°µిజయ్ à°†ంà°Ÿోà°¨ీà°•ి à°•ూà°¡ా à°•à°·్à°Ÿà°®ే. à°ˆ à°¹ీà°°ో నటిà°¸్à°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ మరుసటి à°šిà°¤్à°°ం à°¸ైà°¤ాà°¨్. à°ª్à°°à°¸్à°¤ుà°¤ం à°ˆ à°¹ీà°°ో à°¤ెà°²ుà°—ుà°²ో à°¸ంà°ªాà°¦ింà°šుà°•ుà°¨్à°¨ à°•్à°°ేà°œ్ à°¨ి à°¬ేà°¸్ à°šేà°¸ుà°•ుà°¨ి.. à°¸ైà°¤ాà°¨్ à°¨ు తమిà°³్ à°¤ో à°ªాà°Ÿే à°¤ెà°²ుà°—ుà°²ో à°•ూà°¡ా à°’à°•ేà°¸ాà°°ి à°µిà°¡ుదల à°šేయబోà°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ాà°°ు.
ఇప్à°ªుà°¡ీ à°¸ైà°¤ాà°¨్ తమిà°³ à°Ÿీజర్ à°¨ి à°²ాంà°›్ à°šేà°¸ింà°¦ి à°¯ూà°¨ిà°Ÿ్. à°¤ెà°²ుà°—ుà°²ో à°¬ేà°¤ాà°³ుà°¡ుà°—ా వస్à°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ à°ˆ à°¸ిà°¨ిà°®ా à°Ÿైà°Ÿిà°²్ à°²ోà°¨ే ఇదో à°¦ెà°¯్à°¯ాà°² à°¸ిà°¨ిà°®ా à°…à°¨ే à°µిà°·à°¯ాà°¨్à°¨ి à°šెà°ª్à°ªేà°¸ిà°¨ à°¯ూà°¨ిà°Ÿ్.. à°Ÿీజర్ à°¨ి à°¸ూపర్à°¬్ à°—ా à°•à°Ÿ్ à°šేà°¶ాà°°ు. à°¸ాà°§ాà°°à°£ంà°—ా à°¦ెà°¯్à°¯ం à°¸ిà°¨ిà°®ాà°²్à°²ో.. అసలు à°¦ెà°¯్à°¯ం ఎవరా à°…à°¨ే సస్à°ªెà°¨్à°¸్ à°°ెంà°¡ు à°®ూà°¡ు à°•ేà°°à°•్à°Ÿà°°్à°² à°šుà°Ÿ్à°Ÿూ à°¤ిà°ª్à°ªుà°¤ూ à°‰ంà°Ÿాà°°ు. à°•ాà°¨ీ à°ˆ à°Ÿీజర్ à°²ో à°®ాà°¤్à°°ం.. à°ª్à°°à°¤ీ à°’à°•్à°•à°°ూ à°…à°¨ుà°¨ాà°¸్పదంà°—ా à°•à°¨ిà°ªిà°¸్à°¤ాà°°ు.. à°…à°¨ుà°®ాà°¨ంà°—ాà°¨ే à°šూà°¸్à°¤ుంà°Ÿాà°°ు. à°µిజయ్ à°†ంà°Ÿోà°¨ీ à°¸ైà°¤ాà°¨్ à°•ు ఇదే à°ª్à°°à°§ాà°¨ ఆకర్à°·à°£ à°•ాà°¨ుందనే à°µిà°·à°¯ం à°…à°°్ధమవుà°¤ోంà°¦ి. à°¬్à°¯ాà°•్ à°—్à°°ౌంà°¡్ à°²ో à°µిà°¨ిà°ªింà°šిà°¨ à°—ాయత్à°°ీ à°®ంà°¤్à°°ం à°›ాంà°Ÿింà°—్.. à°ˆ à°Ÿీజర్ à°²ో à°ª్à°°à°§ాà°¨ ఆకర్à°·à°£.
à°…à°°ుంధతీ à°¨ాయర్ à°¹ీà°°ోయన్ à°—ా నటింà°šిà°¨ à°¸ైà°¤ాà°¨్ à°¨ు.. à°¦ీà°ªావళి à°•ాà°¨ుà°•à°—ా à°ˆ à°šిà°¤్à°°ం à°µిà°¡ుదల à°•ాà°¨ుంà°¦ి. మరోà°¸ాà°°ి మనోà°³్ళకు 'à°¬ిà°š్à°šà°—ాà°¡ు' à°°ేంà°œుà°²ో à°¸ిà°¨ిà°®ాà°¨ు à°šూà°ªిà°¸్à°¤ాà°¡ా à°²ేà°¦ా à°…à°¨ే à°µిà°·à°¯ం à°¤ెà°²ిà°¯ాà°²ంà°Ÿే.. మరి à°•ొంà°¤ à°•ాà°²ం à°µేà°šి à°šూà°¡ాà°²్à°¸ింà°¦ే.
bethaaludu(saithaan) trailer is good
DeletePremam trailer is out and it's awesome if you forget Original movie.
ReplyDeletePremam trailer is out and it's awesome if you forget Original Premam :
ReplyDeleteTelugu trailer of premam looks promising
Deleteà°®ాà°Ÿీà°µీ à°—ృà°¹ à°ª్à°°à°µేà°¶ం
thanks for the info sree
DeleteOriginal Premam never forget sai sidhvi
ReplyDeleteZee Cinemalu Tomorrow's Schedule
ReplyDeletePrema Vijetha - 6.30 AM
Deepavali - 9.00 AM
Ek Niranjan - 12.00 PM
Vaareva - 3.00 PM
Swagatham - 5.30 PM
Maga Maharaju - 8.00 PM
Zee Cinemalu Tomorrow's Schedule
ReplyDeletePrema Vijetha - 6.30 AM
Deepavali - 9.00 AM
Ek Niranjan - 12.00 PM
Vaareva - 3.00 PM
Swagatham - 5.30 PM
Maga Maharaju - 8.00 PM
thanks for posting tomorrow's schedule
DeleteVenaktesh's Clever Deal For Guru
ReplyDeleteSeptember 20th, 2016, 12:00 PM IST
Hero Venkatesh's Guru first look poster released couple of days ago to good response. Venkatesh stunned one and all with his complete makeover for the film. The actor built muscular physique looked rugged with grown beard and moustaches.
We reliably learnt that, Venkatesh is charging zero remuneration. But he cleverly made an interesting deal with his producers. As per it, Venky will get the amount of satellite rights deal as his pay for Guru. Perhaps, this is the first time; a Telugu hero is keeping satellite rights with him.
In fact, most of the senior and top stars of Tollywood are demanding area rights, whereas Venky who has good following among families has asked his makers to pay 'satellite rights' amount.
Despite box office results, Venkatesh's films make decent business, when it comes to small screen. Therefore, he did make right deal. We need to see how much satellite business will Guru make!
In the film, Venkatesh is playing boxing coach and Ritika Singh will be seen as his student. Guru is official remake of Hindi- Tamil hit film Saala Khadoos (Irudhi Suttru). Sudha Kongara is directing the film being made under Y Not Studios Banner by S Sasikanth.
The makers have plans to release Guru for Christmas, 2016.
thanks for posting the info praveen
Deletemaga maharaju movie zee telugu lo saturday undi bhayya
ReplyDeleteledhu riyaz tomorrow night 8 pm ani channel lo vesaru
DeleteBrahmotsavam comming soon on zee telugu
ReplyDeletejust now saw the add
thanks for the info prasanth
Deletethanks for posting the info rajesh...Nani market value day by day increase avthundi
ReplyDeleteGd mrng friend and Brahmotsavam comming soon on zee telugu deepak
ReplyDeleteDussera ki daggari wknd lo vesthad kavachu
Deletegd mrng lalith...oct 11 th dussehra so oct 9th sunday vestharu anukunta hruday
DeleteDitto lo Zee Cinemaalu schedule 8pm ki Maga Maha Raju kakunda Vishal's Pooja undi
ReplyDeletewhatsonidia app lo kooda today 8pm ki pooja ani icharu nani but zee cinemalu channel lo maatram today 8pm ki maga maharaju ani kinda slide vesaru
DeleteDeepak Anna Zee Cinemalu Tomorrow Schedule Friends
9.00AM--Pedda Manushulu
5.30PM--okka Magadu(Hero Bala krishna garu)
8.00PM--Surya S/o of krishnan(Hero Surya Sir)
thanks for tomorrow's schedule charan
DeleteSorry Friends 2 today's Nunchi Busy So, Schedule update Cheya Ledhu Friends
ReplyDeleteits ok charan,now zee cinemalu channel's schedule is available on zee cinemalu facebook page & whatsonindia app
Deletepedda mansuhulu movie gemini daggra kada vundi?
ReplyDeletepredda manushulu movie gemini nunchi maa network teeskundi 8 years back and now zee cinemalu teeskundi maa network nunchi...its a suresh productions banner movie,suresh productions banner movies 2008 varaku gemini deggara undevi,taravatha maa network teeskundi and now zee cinemalu teeskundi